A big thank you to author Geshu Sugandh for sending me a copy of her bilingual board book, My Heart Would Like Some More Please! which is written in both English and the Devanagari script used in the Hindi language. A board book that introduces children to a sampling of delightful snacks and treats found in India (or in a traditional Indian shop or restaurant), My Heart Would Like Some More Please! will surely have tummies rumbling by the end! As Bear and Bear's friend have a decadent tea party, little ones can follow along by counting the foods being described. For example, children will find one cup of chai, two samosas, three thekuas, and four murukkus. By the end of the book the two friends are completely full but their hearts would like more.
A board book that not only introduces children to Indian cuisine and the Hindi language, My Heart Wants More Please! introduces children to the broader concept of multiculturalism. With a list of pronunciations for 10 food items within the book, this is a helpful resource for families who would like to engage with a new language and articulate each word correctly. One thing I would love to include in this post (and perhaps I can add it down the road) is a video of the author reading the book so that families can hear the book being read by a native speaker.
Below are some additional photos. Enjoy!
