Thank you to Cristina Ergunay for sending me a copy of Bedtime for Cranky Crab. For parents with little ones this is a story we can all relate to! The sun is setting and all the sea creatures are ready for bed. All...except one. Cranky Crab is not ready for bed. Baby oysters snuggle, littlenecks clap goodnight, bivalves dream, turtles settle underneath a rock, but Cranky Crab is not ready for bed. In fact, Cranky Crab keeps wanting one more thing: a look at the sea view, a snack, more playtime...until Mama Crab says, "Enough of this!" And gives her Cranky Crab a great big kiss! "Beneath the waves, not a peep. Crab and friends now fast asleep."
I loved the ending! Kisses really are a secret ingredient to bedtime. As we all know it can be challenging to get little ones to bed sometimes, especially if they're cranky, but illustrator Heather Gross will have little ones giggling along as they see illustrations of Cranky Crab and his stern looks. But just wait, super special kisses will have that Cranky Crab ready for bed and smiling in no time.
A fun board book for toddlers at nap time, bedtime, or when your little one just needs some cheering up. Don't forget to bring lots of kisses!