Twenty-eight pages of bugs. Stingy bugs, biting bugs, stinky bugs, fighting bugs, hopping bugs, gliding bugs, swimming bugs, hiding bugs, builder bugs, hunting bugs, and steeling bugs---they're all in there. The text is simple -- "Some bugs sting. Some bugs bite. Some bugs stink" etc., but the illustrations by Brendan Wenzel are filled with color and detail and you can almost hear the buzz of summer throughout the book.

And thankfully, at the back of the book there's an illustrated glossary of all the bugs (illustration below).

If you're looking to introduce your child to bugs, I'd say this is a good place to start. Brendan Wenzel also does a nice job of incorporating other animals into the story to give the reader a sense of the bugs' size. For example, a cat is often seen coming in and out of the pages -- a hind leg here, a curious face there. The message of the book is also one that I think children need to hear more often these days---get outside! "So kneel down close, look very hard, and find some bugs in your backyard!"
Happy bug searching!